Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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of after-loading rifled gun at the pier today I found your troops also have this breechloader, its power, I think I need to say will you also know. In addition, they also airships for war, do not underestimate the airship. from heaven to combat impact on military morale is enormous! the tactical side, the rebel tactics flexible, very poor grasp of their actions the law, the force accustomed to ambushes, flank attack, raid, night attack, rebel soldiers are good at play destruction of our army, the rate of fire of their weapons, in a short period of time is extremely dense hail of heavy artillery, assault defended not afraid of dying, retreating before and after an orderly, as long as the conditions allow, the fallen soldiers shipped out battlefield,make your own nfl jersey, this is more than killed some soldiers expense. on the morale of these people is full of fighting passion, dare any armed forces launched a ferocious attack ... Introduce you to my God! General Eastern bandits,air max skyline, our Western army? As you say this is simply an impeccable military you that you will actually pick them as their opponents ... the Shidifoli words and marvel said. finished, the Qiupo kept shaking his head, Pielepiezui, described Shidifoli things take exception.
Face Shidifoli some fever
Coast, important goods transported over - opium - and need to sell the Yangtze River has been controlled by the rebels, not to say these violent against the opium trade activists will not allow us to sell one pound in the Yangtze River opium! The exception is nothing more th

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